Tarmac Repairs & Cleaning

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We have recently expanded our services to cover the restoration of tarmac surfaces. With the advances made in coating technology for tarmac we can now can restore faded tarmac to look like it has been installed only recently. We will add colour to any faded tarmac surface to make it appear much newer than it really is. This is a very cost effective method given the only other alternative, which is the expensive replacement of the whole surface.

There are many benefits:-

  • Stops any need for expensive tarmac resurfacing
  • Will bring back the true colour of the original tarmac
  • Puts back any lost resin from the surface
  • A quick and simple application process
  • Helps prevent break up of the surface by ‘binding’ together any loose tarmac chippings

The results of our tarmac restoration process can be amazing and we are now able to totally transform any tarmac driveway.

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